Debate: What Will It Take to Make You Change?

Yesterday, Our World 2.0 ran a story on the launch of the 10:10 campaign in the United Kingdom to encourage individuals and businesses to reduce greenhouse emissions by 10% by the year 2010.  10:10 and campaigns like it around the globe ask us all to change our high carbon emitting behaviours to save the planet.

But will environmental campaigns about rising temperatures alone encourage you to reduce your emissions? Or will it take something more drastic like higher petrol prices for you to consider improving your transport options?  Or worse still, will you wait until it’s all too late to get on your bike?

For our second instalment of Debate 2.0, we ask the simple question:

“What will it take to make you change?”

We would also like to hear what events, experiences, knowledge or people have motivated you in the past, or will motivate you in the future, to change your behaviour to be more environmentally sustainable, with a smaller carbon footprint.

Tell us whether you stopped eating meat after visiting an abattoir, switched to new fair trade types of jewellery after watching the Hollywood movie Blood Diamond or whether you started shrinking your ecological footprint after seeing An Inconvenient Truth.

Let the climate challenge begin!

Creative Commons License
Debate 2.0: What Will It Take to Make You Change? by Mark Notaras is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


Mark Notaras was a writer/editor of Our World 2.0 for the United Nations University (UNU) Media Centre from 2009–2012. He is a former researcher in Peace and Security for the UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP). He holds a Masters in International Affairs (Peace and Conflict Studies) from the Australian National University and the Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) and in 2013 completed a Rotary Peace Fellowship at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. Currently Mark works in Timor-Leste advising local NGOs on community agriculture and conflict prevention projects.