Andrés Mideros Mora

Born in Quito, Andrés is an economist from the Catholic University of Ecuador. He holds a Master Degree in Economics, major in Development Economics, from the Latin American Faculty of Social Science, FLACSO – Ecuador, where he received the Best Thesis Award. He is also holds a Master of Science in Public Policy and Human Development, specialisation in Social Policy Financing from Maastricht University, where he received the Top 3% and Best Thesis Awards. Currently he is a PhD Fellow at Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University, and Assistant Professor on Development Economics at the Catholic University of Ecuador. He writes on poverty and inequality, social protection and socio economic development, with occasional excursions into governance and politics. He has more than ten years of experience as a researcher and consultant. He has served in international organisations and governmental institutions as ministerial advisor on social policy and vice-minister. He specialises in social policy analysis.