Diego Salama

Diego Salama is a Communications Officer at the UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT)

He supports the management of the Communications Office, with responsibilities encompassing strategy, programme and project management, liaising with UN and other organisations, institutional governance and reporting. Prior to this he worked for the United Nations in Latin America at the Department of Public Information

Diego is also a PhD candidate in History of International Relations at Leiden University. His research is mainly focused on UN peacekeeping, global governance and international organisations. He co-edits a UNU Blog Series on the Challenges to Peacekeeping in the 21st Century and authors articles on peacebuilding, multilateral affairs and development.  

Diego works as associate project manager of the UNU Jargon Buster App project, which aims to help further and clarify cross-interdisciplinary academic and policy dialogues for all parties involved – be they graduate students, international organisations or the wider public.

Diego holds a BA in International Relations from University College Maastricht and an MA in International Relations (cum laude) with an emphasis on History of IR from Leiden University.