The Gross Domestic Problem DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•03•25 Stephan Schmidt United Nations University
Researching Resilience: Young Scholars Look to Communities as Classrooms HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS 2013•02•04 Stephan Schmidt and Aurea Christine Tanaka United Nations University
The Killing of Coral Reefs and What It Means 2011•11•30 Carol Smith, Stephan Schmidt and William Auckerman United Nations University
Lessons for Japan from the WorldRiskReport 2011 DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2011•10•05 Heather Chai, Stephan Schmidt and Joern Birkmann United Nations University
Eco-products Under the Holiday Tree DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2010•12•20 Megumi Nishikura and Stephan Schmidt United Nations University
Japan’s Next Generation of Renewable Energy SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2010•07•21 Stephan Schmidt and Kenji Watanabe United Nations University
A Growing Digital Waste Cloud SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2010•04•30 Stephan Schmidt United Nations University
Journey of a Printer Cartridge SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2010•04•28 Stephan Schmidt United Nations University
Putting Nanotech to Green Use? SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2010•03•08 Ayako Iizumi and Stephan Schmidt United Nations University