The Impact of COVID-19 on Modern Slavery 2020•04•02 James Cockayne and Angharad Smith United Nations University
This Bangladeshi Man’s Story Shows Why Linking Climate Change with Conflict Is No Simple Matter HUMAN RIGHTS 2020•01•08 Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson United Nations University
Eritrean Migrants Face Torture in Libya: What the International Community Can Do HUMAN RIGHTS 2019•12•03 Anna Triandafyllidou Ryerson University, Katie Kuschminder United Nations University
Refugees and Migrants Know the Risks of Stowing Away on a Lorry, but Feel They Must Take Them HUMAN RIGHTS 2019•10•30 Talitha Dubow and Katie Kuschminder United Nations University
The Advantages of Applying the International Human Rights Framework to Artificial Intelligence 2019•03•01 Jason Pielemeier Global Network Initiative
Building the Evidence Base to Accelerate the Fight Against Modern Slavery 2019•01•24 James Cockayne United Nations University
Refugees, Racism and Xenophobia: What Works to Reduce Discrimination? 2018•06•20 Nicola Pocock and Clara Chan United Nations University
The Mental Health of Migrants: Who’s Responsible? HUMAN RIGHTS 2018•04•25 Ottavia Ampuero Villagran United Nations University
Regionalism, Human Rights, and Migration in Relation to Climate Change HUMAN RIGHTS 2018•03•12 Cosmin Corendea United Nations University