Women Fight Too, so Stop Ignoring Them in Peacebuilding PEACE & SECURITY 2022•12•01 Siobhan O’Neil, Cristal Downing and Kato Van Broeckhoven United Nations University
At the UN, Climate Change and Security Must Be Tackled Together 2021•10•26 Beatrice Mosello, Adam Day United Nations University
Climate Change Is Fueling Recruitment into Armed Groups PEACE & SECURITY 2021•03•08 Jessica Caus, Siobhan O’Neil United Nations University
Black Voices Matter: Does Systemic or Implicit Bias Freeze the Careers of Black Academics? 2021•02•01 Racky Balde United Nations University
Black Voices Matter: What Have the Protests Achieved and Should They Always Be Non-violent? 2020•12•08 Ayokunu Adedokun United Nations University
Water, Climate, Conflict, and Migration: Coping with One Billion People on the Move by 2050 HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS 2020•06•09 Nidhi Nagabhatla United Nations University
Why COVID-19 Offers a Chance to Transform UN Peacekeeping PEACE & SECURITY 2020•06•08 Adam Day United Nations University, Charles T. Hunt RMIT University
US Is More Relaxed about Oil Spike than Europe – Which Helps Explain Differences over Iran PEACE & SECURITY 2020•01•15 Mueid Al Raee
This Bangladeshi Man’s Story Shows Why Linking Climate Change with Conflict Is No Simple Matter HUMAN RIGHTS 2020•01•08 Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson United Nations University
Eritrean Migrants Face Torture in Libya: What the International Community Can Do HUMAN RIGHTS 2019•12•03 Anna Triandafyllidou Ryerson University, Katie Kuschminder United Nations University