US military goes to war with climate sceptics HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS 2011•05•23 Jules Boykoff Pacific University
Why Are Climate Scientists Ignoring Peak Oil and Coal? DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2010•12•31 Hossein Turner
Building Biotic Peace at COP10, Nagoya DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2010•10•04 Saleem Ali University of Queensland
What Will Climate Change Mean for Human Security? PEACE & SECURITY 2010•08•02 Christian Webersik University of Agder
Building Peace Through Environmental Conservation PEACE & SECURITY 2010•07•26 Mark Notaras United Nations University
BP and the Peak: Delusions of Oil Grandeur Persist DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2010•07•14 Brendan F.D. Barrett Osaka University
Does Climate Change Cause Conflict? PEACE & SECURITY 2009•11•27 Mark Notaras United Nations University
Sucking Dry an African Giant PEACE & SECURITY 2009•03•23 Mark Notaras and Obijiofor Aginam United Nations University
Peak Oil: What Does It Mean to You? DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2008•07•06 Brendan F.D. Barrett Osaka University