Norway Pumps Up ‘Green Battery’ Plan for Europe SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2015•08•29 Paul Brown Climate News Network
10 Nordic Principles for a Hyperconnected Planet DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2015•08•19 Johannes Koponen Demos Helsinki
World Youth Skills Day: Becoming the Tools for Change DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2015•07•15 Diego Salama and Ibrahima Kaba United Nations University
This 100 Percent Electric Eighteen-Wheeler Just Hit the Road in Germany 2015•07•11 Ari Phillips Climate Progress
Biodegradable Batteries and Induction Charging Cars: Five Tech Trends to Watch 2015•06•25 Marc Ambasna-Jones The Guardian
New Europe Flood Alert as Warming Raises Sea Levels Threat 2015•06•23 Tim Radford Climate News Network
World Environment Day: Can Technology Save Us? SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2015•06•05 René Kemp United Nations University
Could This Be the World’s Most Efficient Solar Electricity System? SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2015•05•21 Jeffrey Barbee The Guardian
Repurposed Plastic for Closed Loop Wastewater in Drought-plagued California SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2015•05•08 Belinda Waymouth
Eco-modernists Versus Eco-radicals SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2015•04•28 Brendan F.D. Barrett Osaka University