How the Bottled Water Industry is Masking the Global Water Crisis DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2023•04•04 Zeineb Bouhlel and Vladimir Smakhtin United Nations University
Needed in the Global South: Wastewater Collection for COVID-19 Detection SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2021•10•05 Manzoor Qadir United Nations University
Global Electronic Waste Up 21% in Five Years, and Recycling Isn’t Keeping Up DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2020•07•17 Vanessa Forti United Nations University
World Drains Away Valuable Energy, Nutrients, and Water in Wastewater Streams SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020•02•13 Manzoor Qadir and Vladimir Smakhtin United Nations University
China’s Waste Ban is a Wake-up Call for Japan 2018•06•08 Leticia dos Muchangos United Nations University
How the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Can Be a Pilot for Global Sustainability 2018•02•19 Ruediger Kuehr United Nations University
How Cities in South-East Asia Are Acting on the SDGs Ahead of Their National Governments 2017•10•03 Shom Teoh and Augustine Kwan Citiscope
Sanitation Wins Must Not Become Safe Water Losses 2017•08•23 Rushva Parihar and Dorcas Mbuvi United Nations University
Your Future Food Will Be Grown with Wastewater SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2017•03•27 Kristin Meyer and Serena Caucci United Nations University