Canadian Watershed Facing Climate and Development Threats DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•06•12 Carol Smith United Nations University
Desertification Crisis Affecting 168 Countries Worldwide, Study Shows PEACE & SECURITY 2013•04•19 Ed King
Nicholas Stern: ‘I Got It Wrong on Climate Change – It’s Far, Far Worse’ DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•01•28 Larry Elliott The Guardian, Heather Stewart The Observer
Greeks Stand up to Protect Their Water from Privatization 2013•01•11 Daniel Moss On the Commons Magazine
How Rainfall Variability, Food Security and Migration Interact HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS 2012•12•07 Carol Smith United Nations University
Water and Sustainable Land Use in the Wakhan Valley DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2012•08•22 Carol Smith and Luis Patron United Nations University
Fukushima Disaster Paves Way for New Geothermal Plants DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2012•08•10 Justin McCurry The Guardian