The Strange Thing about Google’s Decision to Stop Renewable Energy Research 2014•12•05 Joe Romm Center for American Progress
Our Changing World — Celebrating 1,000 Articles 2014•12•01 Brendan F.D. Barrett Osaka University, Sean Wood, Carol Smith and Daniel Powell United Nations University
Valuing the Priceless: Greenland and the World Parks Congress 2014•11•22 Robert Blasiak Stockholm Resilience Centre
Get CO2 Emissions to Zero by 2070 to Prevent Climate Danger, UN says 2014•11•20 Carol Smith United Nations University
New Research Says Plant-based Diet Best for Planet and People 2014•11•15 Carol Smith United Nations University
Seaweed Problem Could Provide Energy Solution SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2014•10•21 Paul Brown Climate News Network