Needed in the Global South: Wastewater Collection for COVID-19 Detection SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2021•10•05 Manzoor Qadir United Nations University
Water Scarcity: Coming Soon DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2021•08•05 Guillaume Baggio, Manzoor Qadir and Vladimir Smakhtin United Nations University
Water: A Matter of Survival in the World of Pandemics DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2021•07•08 Guillaume Baggio, Manzoor Qadir and Vladimir Smakhtin United Nations University
Rethinking Water-Migration Interlinkages Within the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2020•12•11 Nidhi Nagabhatla United Nations University
Water, Climate, Conflict, and Migration: Coping with One Billion People on the Move by 2050 2020•06•09 Nidhi Nagabhatla United Nations University
The Five Criteria Low-income Countries Must Have in Place for Lockdowns to Work DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2020•04•29 Sam Jones, Eva-Maria Egger and Ricardo Santos United Nations University
Coronavirus and Water Pandemics: Doing the Math DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2020•03•22 Vladimir Smakhtin United Nations University
World Drains Away Valuable Energy, Nutrients, and Water in Wastewater Streams SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020•02•13 Manzoor Qadir and Vladimir Smakhtin United Nations University
Planting Trees Must Be Done with Care – It Can Create More Problems Than It Addresses DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2020•02•07 Lulu Zhang United Nations University
Sea Level Rise Is Inevitable but We Can Still Prevent Catastrophe for Coastal Regions DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2019•09•30 Zita Sebesvari United Nations University