Satoumi in an Okinawan Coral Reef System DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2012•08•15 Shinichiro Kakuma Okinawa Prefectural Government, Masahito Kamimura World Wide Fund for Nature
Deep Roots of Community Resilience HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS 2012•08•13 Robert Blasiak Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sana Okayasu and Ikuko Matsumoto Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Fukushima Disaster Paves Way for New Geothermal Plants DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2012•08•10 Justin McCurry The Guardian
Satoumi in Ago Bay: Embracing Integrated Coastal Management 2012•07•27 Hideki Kokubu Mie Prefecture Fisheries Research Institute, Osamu Matsuda Seto Inland Sea Research Conference
The Roots of Cooperative Capitalism Run Deep in Japan DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2012•07•18 Brendan F.D. Barrett Osaka University, Kaori Brand United Nations University
Biodiversity in Kanazawa: Summer’s Lesson DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2012•07•04 Laura Cocora and Kaori Brand United Nations University, Anne McDonald Sophia University
Biodiversity in Kanazawa: Spring’s Lesson DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2012•03•19 Raquel Moreno-Peñaranda, Laura Cocora and Kaori Brand United Nations University, Anne McDonald Sophia University
Standing Strong: Anniversary of the Tohoku Disaster HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS 2012•03•11 Brendan F.D. Barrett Osaka University, Kaori Brand United Nations University
Bali Declaration Calls for Palm Oil Justice HUMAN RIGHTS 2012•03•09 Sophie Chao Forest Peoples Programme