Readers’ Choice: Best Stories of 2012 and What to Expect This Year 2013•01•09 Brendan F.D. Barrett Osaka University, Carol Smith and Daniel Powell United Nations University
How Rainfall Variability, Food Security and Migration Interact HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS 2012•12•07 Carol Smith United Nations University
Small Islands, Big Food Concerns 2012•10•17 Eilif Ursin Reed Center for International Climate and Environmental Research
Deep Roots of Community Resilience 2012•08•13 Robert Blasiak Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sana Okayasu and Ikuko Matsumoto Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
The World is Closer to a Food Crisis than Most People Realise 2012•07•25 Lester R. Brown Earth Policy Institute
Cuba Seeks to Guarantee Food Supplies in Changing Climate DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2012•07•13 Ivet Gonzalez Inter Press Service