Retooling New York for Apocalyptic Storms DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•02•13 George Gao Inter Press Service
The Skolt Sámi’s Path to Climate Change Resilience DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•02•01 Gleb Raygorodetsky United Nations University
Greening the World Economy through Cities DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•01•30 Erin Kennedy, Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira, Osman Balaban, Aki Suwa, Christopher Doll, Ping Jiang, Magali Dreyfus, Raquel Moreno-Peñaranda and Puspita Dirgahayani United Nations University
Nicholas Stern: ‘I Got It Wrong on Climate Change – It’s Far, Far Worse’ DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•01•28 Larry Elliott The Guardian, Heather Stewart The Observer
China’s Pearl Industry: an Indicator of Ecological Stress DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•01•23 Saleem H. Ali University of Queensland, Laurent E. Cartier University of Basel
Who Should Pay Climate Change Costs? DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY 2013•01•21 David Morris Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Considerable Benefits of Decarbonizing Urban Transport 2013•01•02 Carol Smith United Nations University